
For a Contract of Sale to Be Void on the Ground of Destruction of Subject Matter Quizlet

When it comes to contract law, there are several ways in which a contract can become void. One such way is if the subject matter of the contract is destroyed, making it impossible to fulfill the terms of the agreement. In this article, we`ll be discussing how a contract of sale can be rendered void on the ground of destruction of subject matter.

A contract of sale is a legal agreement between two parties, where one party agrees to sell a product or service to the other party in exchange for payment. The subject matter of a contract of sale is the product or service being sold. In order for a contract of sale to be valid, the subject matter must exist at the time the contract is made.

However, if the subject matter is destroyed before the contract is fulfilled, the contract can become void. This is because the destruction of the subject matter makes it impossible for the seller to fulfill their obligation to provide the product or service to the buyer, and it also makes it impossible for the buyer to fulfill their obligation to pay for the product or service.

For example, let`s say that a farmer agrees to sell a crop of wheat to a miller. The contract is made in June, and the wheat is due to be harvested in September. However, in August, a severe drought destroys the entire crop. In this case, the contract of sale becomes void on the ground of destruction of subject matter because the wheat, which is the subject matter of the contract, no longer exists.

It is worth noting that in order for a contract of sale to become void on the ground of destruction of subject matter, the destruction must be beyond the control of both parties. If the destruction is the result of negligence or willful conduct by one of the parties, the contract may not be void.

In addition, if the destruction is only partial, the contract may still be valid, but the price and terms of the contract may need to be renegotiated to reflect the change in the subject matter.

In conclusion, a contract of sale can become void on the ground of destruction of subject matter if the subject matter is destroyed before the contract is fulfilled. It is important for both parties to be aware of this possibility when drafting and entering into a contract of sale, and to include terms and conditions that address this scenario. As a professional, it`s important to note that including keywords related to this topic, such as “contract law,” “contract of sale,” and “subject matter,” can help improve the visibility of this article in search engine results pages.